Widney Junior School

Widney Junior School
Inspiring a community

School Meals

Children remaining at school at lunchtime may have a hot meal or bring a packed lunch.

The hot meals, cooked on the premises by the school meals’ staff, are excellent and can be personally recommended by the Head! There is a choice of menu each day (including vegetarian option). Weekly menus are displayed in school and on our website. Special promotions are a regular feature and sometimes family members are invited to join us. Solihull School Meals are of a very high quality and comply with National Nutritional Standards.

For parents’ convenience and security, and to reduce the risks of having cash on the premises, Widney is now a ‘cashless school’. Payments for school meals, lunchtime carton drinks, trips and other chargeable activities and services are made through ParentPay. This enables parents to pay online by debit or credit card on the secure ParentPay website www.parentpay.com, allowing you to make payments or check your account at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Alternatively, cash payments can be made at any PayPoint store. Further information and log-in details are issued on admission.

Free School Meals

Free school meals are supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of income support, job seeker’s allowance income-based or child tax credit (subject to conditions). If you feel that your child/children are likely to be entitled to free school meals, you should speak to the school secretary, email freeschoolmeals@solihull.gov.uk or contact:
Facilities Team, Education & Children’s Services Directorate
P.O. Box 20, Council House, Solihull B91 3QU Tel: 0121 704 6611

As well as the obvious benefits to parents, it is important to the school to be aware of all pupils who are entitled to free school meals, even if they bring sandwiches. This is because the proportion of pupils entitled can affect our funding and the judgement of our progress. Please be aware that all information remains confidential and at no time are other pupils made aware of who has a free meal.

More Information

School lunch menus – November 2024 to March 2025

School lunch menus – April - October 2025

School Meals Debt Policy (PDF)